"Airframe Admin" (React)

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"Airframe Admin" - jQuery/HTML Version Details

This Airframe project is a typical Webpack based React app, React Router also included together with customised Reacstrap. This project has all of it's few dependencies up to date and it will be updated on a regular basis. This project doesn't support SSR. If you need it - use the NextJs based version.

Initial Configuration:

You need to have NodeJs (>= 10.0.0) installed on your local machine, before attempting to run a dev environment.

  1. Extract contents of the package to your local machine.

  2. Using the Terminal navigate to the extracted contents.

  3. Run npm install.

Make sure you have a file called .npmrc in the extracted directory. Those files are typically hidden in Unix based systems.


To start the development environment type npm start in the console. This will start a development server with hot reloading enabled.


To create a production build type npm run build:prod. After the process is complete you can copy the output from the /dist/ directory. The output files are minified and ready to be used in a production environment.

Build Customization

You can customize the build to suit your specific needs by adjusting the Webpack configuration files. Those files can be found in the /build directory. For more details checkout the documentation of WebPack.

Project Details

Some points of interest about the project project structure:

  • app/components - custom React components should go here

  • app/styles - styles added here won't be treated as CSS Modules, so any global classes or library styles should go here

  • app/layout - the AppLayout component can be found here which hosts page contents within itself; additional sidebars and navbars should be placed in ./components/ subdir.

  • app/colors.js - exports an object with all of the defined colors by the Dashboard. Useful for styling JS based components - for example charts.

  • app/routes - PageComponents should be defined here, and imported via index.js. More details on that later.

Defining Routes

Route components should be placed in separate directories inside the /routes/ directory. Next you should open /routes/index.js file and attach the component. You can do this in two diffrent ways:

Static Imports

Pages imported statically will be loaded eagerly on PageLoad with all of the other content. There will be no additional loads when navigating to such pages BUT the initial app load time will also be longer. To add a statically imported page it should be done like this:

// Import the default component
import SomePage from './SomePage';
// ...
export const RoutedContent = () => {
    return (
            { /* ... */ }
            { /* Define the route for a specific path */ }
            <Route path="/some-page" exact component={SomePage} />
            { /* ... */ }

Dynamic Imports

Dynamically imported pages will only be loaded when they are needed. This will decrease the size of the initial page load and make the App load faster. You can use React.Suspense to achieve this. Example:

// Create a Lazy Loaded Page Component Import
const SomeAsyncPage = React.lazy(() => import('./SomeAsyncPage'));
// ...
export const RoutedContent = () => {
    return (
            { /* ... */ }
            { /*
                Define the route and wrap the component in a React.Suspense loader.
                The fallback prop might contain a component which will be displayed
                when the page is loading.
            */ }
            <Route path="/some-async-page">
                <React.Suspense fallback={ <PageLoader /> }>
                    <SomeAsyncPage />

Route specific Navbars and Sidebars

Sometimes you might want to display additional content in the Navbar or the Sidebar. To do this you should define a customized Navbar/Sidebar component and attach it to a particular route. Example:

import { SidebarAlternative } from './../layout/SidebarAlternative';
import { NavbarAlternative } from './../layout/NavbarAlternative';
// ...
export const RoutedNavbars  = () => (
        { /* Other Navbars: */}
            component={ NavbarAlternative }
        { /* Default Navbar: */}
            component={ DefaultNavbar }

export const RoutedSidebars = () => (
        { /* Other Sidebars: */}
            component={ SidebarAlternative }
        { /* Default Sidebar: */}
            component={ DefaultSidebar }


You can set the color scheme for the sidebar and navbar by providing initialStyle and initialColor to the <ThemeProvider> component which should be wrapping the <Layout> component.

Possible initialStyle values:

  • light

  • dark

  • color

Possible initialColor values:

  • primary

  • success

  • info

  • warning

  • danger

  • indigo

  • purple

  • pink

  • yellow

Programatic Theme Changing

You can change the color scheme on runtime by using the ThemeConsumer from the components. Example:

// ...
import { ThemeContext } from './../components';
// ...
const ThemeSwitcher = () => (
        ({ onChangeTheme }) => (
                <Button onClick={() => onThemeChange({ style: 'light' })}>
                    Switch to Light
                <Button onClick={() => onThemeChange({ style: 'dark' })}>
                    Switch to Dark

Options provided by the ThemeConsumer: style - current theme style color - current theme color *onChangeTheme({ style?, color? }) - allows to change the theme

Sources and Credits

All of the listed dependencies are being kept up to date.

  • ag-grid 21.X.X

  • bootstrap 4.X.X

  • font-awesome 4.7.0

  • holderjs 2.9.X

  • lodash 4.X.X

  • moment 2.X.X

  • react 16.X.X

  • react-beautiful-dnd 11.0.4

  • react-big-calendar 0.22.X

  • react-bootstrap-table-next 3.1.4

  • react-bootstrap-typeahead 4.X.X

  • react-datepicker 2.7.0

  • react-dropzone 10.X.X

  • react-grid-layout 0.16.X

  • react-helmet 5.X.X

  • react-hot-loader 4.11.X

  • react-image-crop 8.0.2

  • react-quill 1.X.X

  • react-router 5.X.X

  • react-text-mask 5.X.X

  • react-toastify 5.X.X

  • react-toggle 4.X.X

  • reactstrap 8.X.X

  • reacharts 1.X.X

  • text-mask-addons 3.X.X

Last updated