Bootstrap4 Additional Components

This is the documentation for "SPIN" v2:

All of the components from Reactstrap are availeble to import from the root /components. Also some of them are extended by some new functionalities / props.


Card and Collapse based Accordion. Should be composed of the provided subcomponents. Can work in an controlled and uncontrolled mode.


  • onToggle:(opened: bool) => void - Accordion is being opened or closed. Providing this function will set the Accordion into controlled mode.

  • open - For controlled mode only. Should the accordion be opned

  • initialOpen - For uncontrolled mode only. Should the Accordion start opened or not.

Example Implementation:

<Accordion initialOpen>
    <Accordion.Header className='h6'>
        <Accordion.Indicator className="mr-2"/>
        Example Header
            Some text...


Should contain the collapsable content of the Accordion. This is basically a Collapse + CardBody composition.


  • childen:node - Collapsable children


The trogger for open/close the accordion. Based on CardHeader.


  • children:node - The elements which should be rendered as Accordion trigger.


Shows an information (preferably icon) if the Accordion is opened or closed


  • open:node - shown when the Accordion is open (default: )

  • closed:node - shown when the Accordion is closed (default: )


Avatar consists of two versions Avatar.Image, Avatar.Font, for displaying avatars and text/icon based versions respocitvely.

Common Props:

  • size:string - Available options: sm, md, lg.

  • addOns:node - An array of additional components which will be placed within the Avatar. Allowed componets are: AvatarAddOn.Icon and AvatarAddOn.Badge. Please not that this should be an array of elements, and each of them should have a key prop provided.


Renders text based avatars.

  • children:node - Text or a FontAwesome icon

  • bgColor - Background color id

  • fgColor - Text color id

  • bgCustomColor - A raw hex or rgba color for the background

  • fgCustomColor - A raw hex or rgba color of the text


Displays <img/> based avatars.


  • src:string - URL passed to the <img />

  • placeholder:node - A text node which will be rendered until the image is loaded. Typically it should ba a FontAwesome icon <i className="fa fa-..." />

  • alt:strin - Alt Text for the <img />


The same as Reacstrap's Badge but for use only in Avatar's addOns prop. They are placed in the top-right corner of the Avatar.


Icons are placed in the in the bottom-right corner of the Avatar and they can be stacked on top of each other. For example a configuration of:

            className="fa fa-circle"
            className="fa fa-circle"
            className="fa fa-plus"

will produce the following result:


The same as Reactstrap's Card, but with some additional props

  • type:string - Available types are: border, side-border, border-dash, border-dot, background, shadow, none; Effects applied to the card itself.

  • color:string - Color id assigned with the effect provided by type prop.


The same sa Reatstrap's CardHeader, but with some additional props

  • type:string - Available types are: background and border

  • color:string - Color id asssigned with the effect provided by type props.


Allows you to crate whole elements (rows, cards, etc) to trigger a checkbox / radio contained within.


  • children:node - Elements rendered inside

  • tag:string|func - Component that should be used internally to render (default: div)


The trigger element will pass all of the clicks to the input provided by Checkable.


  • children:node - Elements rendered inside


The input element which will be checked when Trigger is clicked.


  • children:node- Elements rendered inside of the input

  • tag:string|func - The input component itself (default: Input)

Example Implementation:

<Checkable tag={ Media }>
    <Checkable.Trigger tag={ Media } left top>
            {/* ... */}
    <Checkable.Trigger tag={ Media } body>
            Some text
    <Media right top>
        <Checkable.Input tag={ CustomInput } type="checkbox" id="rightCheckbox1" defaultChecked />


Toggles the layout to be empty - Sidebar and Navbar are disabled and the content is set to be centered within the viewport. Mainly used for single Card pages for example: Login, Register, etc...

Props: children:node - element which will be rendered in the center of the screen.


More flexible dropdown menu, which consists of static and fluid sections. In mobile mode while in navbar this dropdown will fill the whole screen. Uses also Props and Context from Reactstrap's DropdownMenu


  • children:node ExtendedDropdown.Sections from which you can compose the Dropodown.


There are two types of sections - static, and fluid. Static section don't resize vertically, and fluid do resize. Typically you should add Reactstrap's ListGroups in the fluid part, so they can be scrolled inside.


  • fluid:boolean - should the section be stretched/shrinked vertically

  • tag:string|func - tag element used as the Section. Allows to make whole sections as Links.


A wrapper for holder.js - allows to generate placeholder images and injects them into the child element. This components is made out of two subcomponents which you should be using:

General Props: Click here to see what options are used by holder.js. These options are available as props.


Renders an image with defined text in the center of the picture.


  • children:node - Element of which the src prop will be populated with the placeholder image


Renders a FontAwesome icon in the center of the picture.


  • iconChar:string - FontAwesome character to render - for example pasting  will render fa-picture-o

  • children:node - Element of which the src prop will be populated with the placeholder image


Icon with badge, mainly used in buttons and navs. Preview:

  • badge:node - Reactstrap's Badge elemnt which will be added to the Icon

  • children:node - FontAwesome icon element


The whole layout parent, contains the state of the layout, and provides data to child layout elements.

  • children:node - one of Layout.Content, Layout.Sidebar, Layout.Navbar. Providing these will make the Layout element to compose the layout properly.

  • sidebarSlim:boolean - Should the sidebar be slim when collapsed on >= lg screens


Reactstrap's Navbar container.

  • children:node - Typically Navbar element


The Sidebar container.

  • children:node - Typically Sidebar component inside

  • sidebarSlim:boolean - should the sidebar be in slim mode when collapsed on >= lg (dont' use directly, provided by Layout)

  • sidebarCollapsed:boolean - is the sidebar collapsed (dont' use directly, provided by Layout)


Page content container.

  • children:node - Page content

withPageConfig (HOC)

Provides pageConfig object to the component which is composed of the followin fields:

  • sidebarHidden:boolean - is sidebar hidden

  • navbarHidden:boolean - is navbar hidden

  • footerHideen:boolean - is footer hidden

  • sidebarCollapsed:boolean - is sidebar collapsed

  • sidebarSlim:boolean - is slim sidebar option is enabled

  • pageTitle: string - title of the current page

  • pageDescription: string - description of the current page

  • pageKeywords: string - meta keywords for the current page

  • toggleSidebar: func - toggle collapsed sidebar


A Dropdown which can contain Nested Dropdowns inside which will be rendered on the side of the main dropdown on hover. Renders as nested menus in Collapsed Navbars.

Example Implementation (taken from Only Navbar example)

<NestedDropdown nav inNavbar>
    <DropdownToggle nav>
        <i className="fa fa-angle-down fa-fw ml-1"></i>
        <NestedDropdown.Submenu title="Mailbox">
            <DropdownItem tag={ Link } to="/apps/inbox">Inbox</DropdownItem>
            <DropdownItem tag={ Link } to="/apps/new-email">New Email</DropdownItem>
            <DropdownItem tag={ Link } to="/apps/email-details">Email Details</DropdownItem>
        <NestedDropdown.Submenu title="Profile">
            <DropdownItem tag={ Link } to="/apps/profile-details">Profile Details</DropdownItem>
            <DropdownItem tag={ Link } to="/apps/profile-edit">Profile Edit</DropdownItem>
        <DropdownItem tag={ Link } to="/apps/clients">Clients</DropdownItem>
        <DropdownItem tag={ Link } to="/apps/chat">Chat</DropdownItem>


The submenu element which is placed inside of the main dropdown and contains further nested DropodwnItems


  • children:node - list of nested DropdownItems

  • title:string|node - the title which will be visible in the main Dropdown

  • tag:string|func - component which will be rendered as a parent (default: div)

  • subMenuTag:string|func - component which will contain the child elements (default: div)


When a user clicks outside of the provided child onClickOutside will be called.

  • onClickOutside:func - event handler called when the click occours

  • children:node - the element of outside which the click should be picked

  • active:boolean - is this functionality enabled

  • excludedElements:HTMLElement[] - deprecated which elements outside of the child should no trigger the click event


Reactstrap's Progress component extended with slim prop.

  • slim:boolean - should the progress bar be rendered in a slim version

The sidebar component which is build from Sidebar.Sections.

  • children:node - Sidebar.Section elemnets from which the sidebar will be build

  • slim:boolean - should the sidebar be in slim mode (avoid direct usage, provided by context)

  • collapsed:boolean - is the sidebar collased (avoid direct usage, provided by context)


Section of the sidebar

  • fluid:boolean - should the section be stretching/shrinking, typically used for SidebarMenu section

  • cover:boolean - no padding in the section should be used


Closes the sidebar in Overlay Mode, it is visible only when the sidebar is overlayed.


Allows the content to be scrolled inside in mobile devices. For example when you have 2 static Sidebar.Sections and 1 fluid for scrollable menu, you will come on a problem in mobile devices - the fluid part will be very small, and most of vertical screen space will be used for the static Sections. To mitigate this you can wrap 1 static Section and the fluid Section with this component. This will make both of those sections scrollable on mobile.


  • children:node - Sections which will be wrapped in a scroll in mobile view.

Example Usage

        <SidebarTrigger tag={ 'a' } href="javascript:;">
            <i className="fa fa-times-circle fa-fw"></i>

        { /* ( Always Static Section ) */ }

            { /* ( Static only on Desktop ) */ }

        <Sidebar.Section fluid cover>
            { /* ( scrollable on Desktop and Mobile )  */ }
            <SidebarMiddleNav />

            { /* ( Static only on Desktop ) */ }


The navigation menu. Composed of SidebarMenu.Items.

  • children:node - SidebarMenu.Items of which the menu will be composed


SidebarMenu entry, the top level ones contain icons, while the nested ones don't.

  • to:string- url to which the entry should point

  • children:node - nested SidebarMenu.Items, can't be used with to, should be one of them

  • title:string - the title of the entry

  • exact:bool - should the entry be marked as active by an exact url match


Element which will trigger the sidebar to be collapsed or not


  • tag:string|func - the tag which will be used to render the element - NavLink default

  • children:node - contents of the Button


Ultility elements for conditional rendering and such.


Children of this component will only be rendered when the sidebar is not in slim mode


Children of this component will only be rendered when the sidebar is in slim mode


Children of this component will have their declared props overriden with the ones provided in slimProps object, when the sidebar is in slim mode. For example if we want an avatar inside the sidebar to change its size depending on the state of the sidebar. For example:

    slimProps={{ size: 'md' }}
        src={ avatarImg }

In the above when the Sidebar becomes slim the AvatarImage's size prop will be changed to md.


Uncontrolled version of reactstrap's Modal.

Props: all of the Modal props +

  • target:string - id of the trigger element which will show the Modal


Element which will close the Modal.


  • tag:string|func - Component which will be used to represent this trigger

Uncontrolled Popover

Uncontrolled version of reactstrap's Popover.

Props: all of the Popover props +

  • activateTrigger:bool - should the targeted trigger receive the active class defined by the activeClassName prop

  • activeClassName:string - class which will be added to the trigger element when active


Uncontrolled Tabs container. Should be composed of UncontrolledTabs.NavLink and UncontrolledTabs.TabContent which are context extended versions of reactstrap's components.


  • children:node - composition of UncontrolledTabs.NavLink and UncontrolledTabs.TabContent

  • initialActiveTabId:string - the id of the tab that should be visible at the start

reactstrap's NavLink for switching the Uncontrolled Tabs.

Props: all of the Popover props +

  • tabId:string - id of the corresponding TabContent which should be show when clicked


reactstrap's TabContent connected with the UncontrolledTabs.

Props: all of the TabContent props +

Last updated