Custom Layout Components

This is the documentation for "SPIN" v2:

Elements like Sidebars and Navbars can be fully customized within each route. You can provide custom components for them and place them in routes/index.js. You should use the exported functions getSidebars(), getNavbars(), getFooters().

If a custom component for a specific route won't be found, it will use the default Component placed in layout/components.

For example to add a custom navbar - create a new Navbar Component and add it to the getNavbars() array via the <Route> component and specify the route on which the Navbar should be used in the path property.

const getNavbars = () => [
        component={ NavbarOnly.Navbar }
    { /* Default Navbar: */}
        component={ DefaultNavbar }

Accordingly you can change the Sidebar on any page you want using the getSidebars() function. Example:

const getSidebars = () => (
            component={ SidebarASidebar }
        { /* Default Sidebar: */}
            component={ DefaultSidebar }

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